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Theory Audio Design - 5.1 speaker package receives raving 10/10 review!!


Jeandre Botha obo The Audio Visual Boutique
Commercial Member
Aug 4, 2023
Good day AVTalk members!

Now, here is something we need to talk about!!

This is an incredible review of a 5.1 speaker package from new brand, Theory Audio Design / Theory Professional.

AVForums.com gave them a 10/10.

In short, this is what they had to say:

"The Theory Audio Design 5.1 package delivers so much gusto, sheer power and super-detailed sound that it can be difficult to keep your jaw off the ground.
Performance is truthful, always spellbinding and worryingly addictive."

We will have the exact same system on the floor for demo within a week, so let me know if you are interested to be absolutely shocked and amazed at what these speakers can do.

You may read the full review here.

Theory 5.1 speaker package.jpg
